Rabu, 04 Maret 2015

Cream Anisa Krim Pemutih Wajah

Cream Anisa Krim Pemutih Wajah

Cream Anisa adalah cream kecantikan best seller untuk perawatan wajah dengan keunggulan bahannya yang diramu dari bahan-bahan alami. Manfaat Cream Anisa yaitu untuk mencerahkan kulit, memutihkan, menghilangkan flek hitam, mengecilkan pori-pori, mencegah penuaan dini, menghilangkan jerawat dan menghaluskan kulit wajah serta menetralisir racun di kulit yang disebabkan oleh pemakaian kosmetik yang mengandung racun/zat kimia berbahaya.

Kenapa harus Cream Anisa ? Berbahan Alami, pemakaian dalam jangka panjang tidak menyebabkan penipisan pada kulit wajah, dapat menghilangkan flek hitam, bekas jerawat, komedo, dapat mengatasi berbagai masalah wajah lainnya seperti jerawat, kulit kering/berminyak, warna tidak merata, penuaan dini, pori-pori besar, juga sebagai nutrisi untuk kulit wajah agar menjaga wajah senantiasa terlihat cerah.

Dalam 3 Minggu menjadikan kulit wajah anda lebih halus, lembut, bersih, cerah dan putih alami, wajah lebih segar berseri dan tampak lebih muda. Dapatkan kulit muka yang bersih, segar berseri dan tampak lebih muda secara alami dengan Cream Anisa.

Minggu, 19 Agustus 2012

The Importance of Playing Games With Kids

The role of parents in securing children from exposure to violent content in the game can not be replaced by anyone, even by the best of the rating system. This was disclosed Professor Tanya Byron, a famous psychologist in the UK and head of UKIE (game content control agencies in the UK) Jo Twist when talking with Metro online media.

Byron and UKIE are activists who seek to game the ratings system supported by laws and harsh penalties against the offense.

Game rating system is a ranking that determines the age to play a game. For example, adolescents may only play the game with a rating of teens and forbid them to play games with adult ratings. Almost the same with movies.

"When I make a report on the ratings game in 2008, support for the gaming industry. They always make a game with adult content for adult gamers, not for the kids, "said Byron.

"Most parents are not comfortable with the game that is always discussed in the media due to its hardness, which only consists of 5 percent, while 95 percent of the other games ignored. In fact, the game is very good for children from the standpoint of education. During the parents and children play together, "said Byron.

Byron also asked the parents to participate in supervising their children while playing the game. Any restrictive a rating system would be useless if the child is not supervised play activities. Almost the same when children watch television and movies intended for a specific age.

On occasion, Byron and Twist also encourage parents to visit the website askaboutgames.com session to learn how to supervise children's playground and use the "Parental Control" contained in any console game machines.